Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Armchair!

One weekend, I said to Brandon I needed some fresh air. So we went to Goodwill and poked around. We were there for less than 10 minutes before I saw a big, cushy armchair. It was in really decent condition, and it was only $25!

I know I recently joked that we need an armchair. And yeah, we really kinda needed one. But I honestly wasn't actively looking. We're only going to live in Texas for another year, two at most, and I don't want to invest in real furniture if we're just going to ditch it here. That's why this chair was so serendipitous. Cheap. Decent condition. Suuuuuuuper comfy.

So we stuffed it in the car (Impulse buy! No time to measure! Pray it fits! It BARELY fit.) and wrestled it up the three flights of stairs into our apartment. I spent my Saturday going over it with a lint roller, the vacuum, and scrubbing it with upholstery spot-cleaner.

This is my impulse-buy happy face.

Brandon  finds a comfy spot to work on his solar panel project. 

My new little sanctuary in the corner.

Our living room is considerably more cozy now that we have some proper furniture. Brandon liked it so much, I was able to convince him to FINALLY let me hang some things on the walls. A year into our stay in Texas, our apartment is starting to look like a home. ^_^

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