Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coffee Table

Brandon built us a new coffee table! This project has been going on for a few months now, but it's finally finished! We designed it based on the old coffee table we had in Kalamazoo (which was actually a dumpster dive find). It's in my mom's basement at the moment. Anyway, Brandon designed it based on my specifications, and some old table legs we had sitting around from when he constructed his computer desk. Here we go, photo dump:

At Lowe's, getting the supplies.

Mocking up the pieces.

Cutting the pieces to size.

Final mock-up.





So, we forgot to take photos of the finished product. We started using it, and now it's cluttered (of course). I'm too lazy to move my stuff. Sorry. Here it is!

Finished product.

In front of the couch.
The funny part is, so far, the pieces of furniture that we've made ourselves are the most substantial pieces we own. Our couch is kinda flimsy, my desk is flimsy... But Brandon's desk, which he made himself? Heavy, solid. This coffee table? Hefty. It clunks loudly when you put stuff down on it.

I like it! Now we just need an armchair...

1 comment:

  1. I just love the first photo of Amanda sanding---while holding an umbrella! The finished product looks marketable. Danish modern meets function. Good work!
