Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tiny Pies in Jars in the Mail!

Remember the tiny pies in jars? And how I hinted that you could be expecting a surprise soon? Well, it's here. I made a batch of tiny apple pies in jars, and I'll be sending them out to people who made the Facebook mailing list.

This is actually an experiment on my part. I want to test to see if you can seal the jar, ship it at room temperature, and have the pie keep safely. So, everyone on the mailing list has been informed of the inherent risks in this project. You guys should be aware that you are all, in fact, my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAHA. (Kidding. Love you.)

You can expect the packages soon (actually, by the time I get around to posting this, you should already have received them.) Please respond by Facebook, IM, email, or letter informing me of the following:
1) Was the jar sealed upon arrival?
2) Was the pie fresh? Soggy? Stale? Smelly?
3) Did you heat it, chill it, or eat it at room temp?
4) How was it? Did you get sick? PLEASE DON'T GET SICK.

If this project works, this might be a mainstay of care packages from me. Or possibly a small business idea. We'll see where it takes me. 

I had some leftover pie crust and apple filling (I ran out of jars), so I made Brandon a tiny pie. He was very pleased.

As usual, the obligatory happy customer photo.

I hope you guys are happy customers, too. 

1 comment:

  1. We finally got ours!!!!! On 7/12. More later... Thank you:)
