Monday, July 18, 2011

Sixth Street, Austin

Over the 4th of July weekend, we decided to pop up to Austin to hang out. We keep meaning to do that more, and never get around to it. For lack of any better ideas, we decided to try Sixth Street, which is where all the bars are. It was pretty crazy. We didn't really get sufficient photos to show how crazy it was, but you're gonna have to trust me. It was nuts.

Sixth Street gets blocked off by the police every Friday and Saturday. No, this was not special for 4th of July, it's just like that every weekend. No cars are allowed. The streets are flooded with people bar-hopping.

There are a lot of different types of bars and clubs, too. Some raunchy ones, some nice ones, some classy ones, some cheap ones. There's really something for everyone. Lemme show you the few pictures we did take:

Brandon neglected to tell me that my hair was crazy. -_-

Resting our feet.

Not sure what's going on here.

We didn't go in, Brandon was just really amused by the name.

One place we did stop in for a while was Casino el Camino. It was a demon-themed bar that's been on the Food Network for its burgers. Despite the ridiculous theme and the fact that every staff member was covered from head to toe in tattoos, this place was amazing. The food was phenomenal, the service was friendly, it wasn't too loud. We actually really enjoyed it. 

Now, Brandon insists he didn't have much to drink, but our photos get kinda fuzzy after this. I'm gonna go ahead and say maybe the camera was on the wrong setting? We were also walking fairly fast for a while, because a bar fight broke out in the middle of the street and we needed to get out of the way. No joke.

Sure, Brandon. Didn't drink that much. I believe you.

We spent more time just walking up and down the block, observing all the crazy drunk people, than actually drinking. It was a pretty fun evening. Sixth Street is really something that needs to be experienced. Even if we got better photos, I don't know that they would have done it justice.

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