Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tiny Rat Pancakes

Brandon and I have gotten into something of a tradition: we make pancakes or crepes on the weekends. It's not every weekend, but it's pretty common.

When I was in high school, my stepmom would cook an egg every Sunday morning for her dog Princess. Princess would wake up on Sunday mornings and race around the house, waking everyone up, so excited for her egg. It was a fun little tradition that really brightened the weekend. We all loved seeing the dog so happy.

When I was REALLY little, my dad would make pancakes for my brother and I every week. Sometimes the batter would drip in the skillet, making tiny droplet pancakes we referred to as "itty bitties." I think you see where this is going.

Fast forward to now... And you have rat pancakes. Almost every weekend. PHOTO DUMP!

That's a chocolate chip. Yes, we give them chocolate chip pancakes sometimes.

Some weekends I forget to make the itty bitty pancakes when we're done making ours. Brandon always, always remembers. It's almost as adorable as watching them eat the pancakes. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. These really are too cute! I especially like photo 3... Holding so delicately!
