Thursday, July 28, 2011

Basil Lemon-Lime Shortbread Cookies

My mom sent me some cooking magazines a while back, and she got me a subscription to Bon Appetite for my birthday, so I've been combing through those magazines for fun summer recipes that I can make while Brandon's family is in town. First, I wanted something snacky to put out when we're taking breaks in between sight-seeing. I found this shortbread recipe in last month's Bon Appetite. It sounds weird at first, but it's really delicate and satisfying. It's not overly sweet, and the basil really does something for the buttery taste that I can't quite explain.

Lemon zest and lemon juice.

Lots of fresh basil.

Our super-safe food processor (Don't try this at home).

Brandon got a little artsy.

The dough was a bit green...

Action shot!

After rolling them into balls, the recipe insisted that I flatten them into 2" discs, and use confectioners sugar to keep them from sticking. I tried sprinkling it on top... That didn't really work. I ended up smearing the confectioner's sugar on the jar lid I was using to smoosh them flat. That worked fine.


When they came out of the oven, they were no longer green. Which was a bit of a relief for now, a bit of a let-down for St. Patrick's day. Oh well.

Finished product.

The batch is very small, so I had to double it. But now I have something light and slightly sweet to serve with iced tea when Brandon's parents arrive tomorrow!

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