Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Turkey Day everyone! Here are some photos of our little Thanksgiving feast. It was just me, Brandon and my friend Rory from school, so we got a tiny turkey, it was 7lbs. But we ended up with SO MUCH FOOD anyway. Here are the photos!

Making the stuffing!

I wanna tell you a little story about the stuffing, because I was really proud of myself. If you'll remember, I made cookie cutter sandwiches for Halloween. Well, I kept the crusts in the freezer. I cut them into cubes, toasted them and left them out overnight to dry out completely. Then I smushed them with a rolling pin, and combined them with the sauteed vegetables and broth. As it happens, the chicken broth I used was also from scratch. I had some left over in the freezer from last month when I was practicing my broth-making skills. I was so proud of myself for being so thrifty and making this stuffing from scratch that I called my mom to brag. She said she was impressed ^_^

There he is, 7 pounds of delicious dinner waiting to happen!

 Time to stuff the bird!

 Ready to rock!


 My friend Rory brought a few dishes, too, and in the end we had WAY more food than we needed.

 Brandon was eager to unveil the pumpkin pie.

A lovely feast!

We hope everyone had a great holiday!

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