Monday, November 15, 2010

Downtime - Time Travel Post

This is an old post Brandon forgot to put up. I thought I'd share it instead of deleting it. It's only about 2 months old, at most. 

Amanda is still very consumed by studying, but i had a few free moments of downtime last week after concluding a round of jobhunt-phone calls, resume emailing, etc.

Instead of watching a film I settled on picking up Snatcher - A 1988 japanese scifi-thriller game written by Hideo Kojima.

Snatcher is essentially the film Bladerunner, in video game form.
There is nothing wrong with that.

That means the plot revolves around a detective in post-japan New Kobe city, who uncovers cases where murderous robots apparently kidnap & replace individuals in society with cleverly disguised mechanical duplicates.

Rather then watching a two hour film staring Harrison Ford, - you walk the hero, Gillian, through warehouses, crimescenes, dark tunnels, city streets, etc. - by selecting from a short, ever changing list of immediate items to inspect or things to say.

It took me about 10 hours to play.

Which for a game, (think Mario) is fairly fast. Thanks to X display technology (X11 first released in 1987/88), bluetooth, Nintento, and a bunch of other fancy contrivances of this modern world.

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