Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cafe Green Tea

A few weeks back, my buddies and I went to Cafe Green Tea and did some studying for an exam. Apparently French-Japanese fusion is a thing in San Antonio, because this is the second restaurant we've found in this theme. I'm certainly not complaining.

It's right next door to the Japanese grocery.

I loved the little cafe aesthetic they had going. I'm a big fan of tiny, local shops and restaurants, and this definitely fit that vibe very well. 
They had plastic models to show off their selection of crepes.

My matcha latte is in the foreground, and then there's my friend Rory's lunch; a dessert crepe and some miso soup.

I had some tuna and avocado sushi and salted salmon onigiri.

 My friend Christine, on the end, had a panini and some sushi. 

It may sound like these two styles of cooking would clash, but surprisingly they work well together. After some discussion with my friends about it, we decided that it strikes an interesting balance between the clean simplicity of Japanese ingredients, and the richness of French sauces and garnishes. I'm absolutely in love with this concept. I'll definitely be going back to Cafe Green Tea soon (and often, I hope!) and seeking out more restaurants that utilize this theme.

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