Monday, November 15, 2010


Brandon and I finally found time to go check out the original Rudy's Barbecue just north of San Antonio. It's a famous chain around here and Austin, and known for being one of the best barbecue places around. Here are some photos of our adventure:

Rudy's apparently wants you to know that they have the worst barbecue in Texas.

Babyback ribs, brisket, something called "the chopped," potato salad, creamed corn and cole slaw.

"The chopped" is odds and ends of beef and pork, chopped up and thrown in their famous barbecue "sause." You put it on a sandwich like a sloppy joe. Needless to say, everything here was delicious. 
Nom nom.
They also had Mexican Pepsi, which is made with real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. I don't normally drink pop, but I was so excited, I had to get a bottle. 
 Brandon, looking pensive with his babyback rib. 

The original Rudy's also has a general store, where I found some Moon Pies for sale. I'd never seen them before. As I understand it, they're a southern thing, is that correct? In any case, we didn't buy them. I'm not much for marshmallow fluff. 

  Chocolate Moon Pie. I'm told they're delicious.

That's it for now. Ta!

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