Friday, June 3, 2011

Brandon is 26!

Brandon turns 26 today (Saturday - it's technically after midnight!) so I baked him a cherry pie.

Getting my hands dirty.

I'm getting way better at sliding the bottom crust in without any cracks.

I've never attempted a lattice before.


I insisted on putting candles in the pie and singing Happy Birthday. We had to move quickly, however, because apparently candles and pie don't mix. Also, Brandon railroaded over me by shouting "PPPIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!" while I was trying to sing to him:

I also got Brandon a level and an angle. He's using them to help him build our new coffee table. It sounds boring, but he was ridiculously excited when I gave them to him. He's a huge dork. ^_^

In the morning, we're getting up and buying donuts, because he's super craving on donuts. 
Happy Birthday, Brandon!


  1. Happy Birthday to my favorite cousin! We've been close since birth (and the fact that our names are so close and we are a month apart). I hope you have an awesome day!!!

  2. Hope you had a great day! Pie looks awesome Amanda!
