Monday, June 6, 2011

Lizard Bro

I promise, I'll get photos up of my vacation soon. There are just so many to comb through...
In the meantime, here's a hilarious story about what Brandon did while I was away.

In Texas, we see lizards a lot. Brandon and I can't seem to get over them: they're so goofy looking! Every time we're walking outside and we see a lizard, we always stop to check it out or take pictures of it. No, seriously:

I saw this little dude when I went to grab the mail.

Well, apparently while I was away, a gecko got into the house. Brandon moved his messenger bag and saw the little guy scoot across the rug under the couch. So, naturally, he caught him, put him in one of the rats' travel containers and gave him a little habitat to live in. 

Because the natural response to finding a pest in your home is to keep it.

What's hilarious is the way Brandon chose to tell me: "I found a gecko in the living room, and so now he and I are just hanging out."
Wait... what?

Anyway, once it was explained to me that the gecko was contained, and not just chillin' on our carpet, I was fine with it. I encouraged Brandon to go to the pet store and get some crickets for him to eat.

His name became Lizard Bro. Because Brandon is creative like that. 

The crickets came with a piece of cardboard from an egg carton. Lizard Bro loved to hang onto the underside of it and just chill. 

I told Brandon he was perfectly allowed to keep a pet, but he said no, Lizard Bro belongs outside. The adorable part is that Brandon was actually REALLY TORN about whether or not to let him go. It was clear that he enjoyed having him around, but felt bad keeping him when he could be outside, running around. But he couldn't stand the idea of going to the pet store once a week and spending $2 on crickets. So, we enjoyed the little gecko's company for a few days, before setting him free on Brandon's birthday.

Brandon has the weirdest adventures while I'm gone.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon is always good for creating adventure. I don't think he ever let himself be bored as a child. Still missin you both. Thanks for the posts<3
