Friday, June 10, 2011

Gini and Will are Visiting!

When we went home for Christmas, we met up with our friends Gini and Will, and started talking about the possibility of them coming to visit. Six months later, they got engaged just in time to come to San Antonio to celebrate! They're staying with us for a week, and doing a blitz of all the fun stuff we've found to do in this city. Here's what we've been up to so far:

We started with some shopping. We checked out the Japanese food mart. This was high on William's list because he minored in Japanese and loves everything to do with Japan.

Of course Gini immediately found the Pokemon.

Then, we went thrifting. Gini and Will do a LOT of shopping at thrift stores - Will basically taught me how to be thrifty. When he found out there are 19 Goodwill stores in San Antonio, he said we had to hit up at least a couple, so we went to the three in the immediate vicinity of the Medical Center Area.

William in his natural habitat. 

When I sent them a rough itinerary on Facebook, Gini said I had packed too much in. She said she fully expected to sit in my pool, with a margarita in her hand, for a week. 
So we've been doing quite a bit of that, as well.

Now that's what a vacation is supposed to look like.

Of course there is the obligatory food: Mexican and BBQ. I didn't get any photos when we were at Chacho's (Gini did, they're on Facebook), but I did get a couple pictures at The Bar-B-Q Station.

I made the mistake of describing a Dos-Rita, and from there on out there was no other option: we HAD to go. And so we did.

William approves.

That's a happy Gini if I ever saw one.

...We were caught off guard.

On my brother's blog, he always shows a photo of the menu when he reviews a restaurant. I think that's what Brandon was going for here, but unfortunately for him I photo-bombed it.

Even I'm willing to admit that's a little terrifying.

I had to include the silly face one.

Today, while Brandon was at work, we did the obligatory downtown stuff. 

Remember the Alamo!

Gini is a botanist, so we spent a great deal of time in the courtyard of the Alamo, checking out all the plants that had been donated. She was really impressed by the size of the palm trees, so she asked for a photo.

And then, of course, the obligatory Riverwalk visit. We didn't eat anywhere on the Riverwalk, just hung out and enjoyed the shade.

This is the Riverwalk entrance across from the Alamo.

We grabbed dinner at The Cove on the way home. I don't think I've reviewed The Cove before, so consider this my official review: it rocks. You should go. (They don't really need my help, they've been on the Food Network.)

It's a restaurant, a laundromat and a car wash. I'm not kidding.

Texas burger (burger with nacho toppings) with sweet potato fries.

I believe Gini had some sort of vegetarian quesadilla.

Will got a sampler with the fish tacos and the shrimp tacos.

We're only halfway through their visit, so there will be more to report on Monday!

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