Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Poster Session

Last week my department had their annual retreat, which included a poster session. It wasn't required for me, but my PI encouraged me to do it, and he was totally right. It was great experience, and now I get to put it on my vita. It was, however, a huge amount of work.

That's two computers, three notebooks and an accordion folder. And yes, they were all necessary.

I printed off and laid out the slides the day before. Brandon took an artsy picture.

Rasika was presenting at the poster session, too. 

And here is my poster! 

I took a lot away from this experience. I got to bounce some ideas off of professors from our department, my knowledge of the material was tested, and it forced me to organize my thesis and the work I've done thus far. All of this was hugely beneficial. Plus, for a brief moment, I felt really accomplished. Now, of course, it's back to the grind and regular old panic mode. But then, I wouldn't accomplish so much if I wasn't panicking all the time ^_^


  1. It's amazing what one can accomplish in 'panic mode'. You look so happy with your poster:)
