Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Random Treats

A while back, I had my first honest-to-goodness full, exhausting, crazy 8 hour day in lab. And it was on a Sunday, of all things.

In any case, I came home exhausted and hungry. Brandon went out and got me some of my favorite foods.

This is supposed to be my surprised face.
 That's a grocery store tuna roll, a very hearty salad with avocado and leftover aioli dressing, a margarita (with a tiny umbrella!) and some chocolate brownies. 

I used the leftover tuna sushi for our lunches for the next day, along with the fried sesame tofu that we had made the day before.

I need to use my other bento more often so you guys can see it. 



  1. Hay lady how did the tofu work cold the next day? I'm seeking cold tofu/seitan/tempeh recipes for lunches. Also is that a one quart margarita glass because that is the right thing to do.

  2. It works best cold the next day, actually. As I said, we're still tweaking the recipe, but the concept works. Give it a shot!
