Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mint Cookies

Back in Kalamazoo, my friend Hal found an amazing recipe for thin mint cookies, like the girl scouts sell. I asked him for the recipe and made a batch this week. They're DELICIOUS.

First you make the dough into logs and freeze them. 

Then you slice them,
Bake them,
Melt chocolate and butter for the coating,
Coat them,

(Oh, also, I got a haircut! It's purely utilitarian, it was 90 degrees three days in a row last week.)
Anywho, then you have to keep the cookies in the freezer, because the chocolate isn't tempered. I decided in high school that I wanted to learn how to temper chocolate, and it's still on my to-do list. But for now, un-tempered mint cookies are just as delicious straight out of the freezer.



  1. Easy tempering: skip the butter, and melt yo chocolate. Stir until it's 90 degrees or so and glossy. Add a small amount of chopped tempered chocolate (seed crystals - any bar will do) and stir until it's melted in. Done! If it gets too thick, carefully heat just to the 90 degree mark.

  2. Yeah, the recipe called for butter, unfortunately, so I knew it would be difficult/impossible to temper. That's why I didn't try.
    The last time I made this recipe, it wasn't a big deal, but it's all Texasy and hot here, so they're melting waaaaay faster.

    I thought you had to hold it above 90 degrees for a specific amount of time, then bring it down to another temperature for a specific amount of time?
