Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anniversary Date

It's probably quite fitting that the last entry was about how Brandon and I never go on dates, because this one is about how we finally went on a date!

Our 3-year anniversary is on Tuesday, so we wanted to do a little something this weekend to celebrate. Brandon kept pointing out that it's just a dating anniversary, so we don't have to do anything big. But I still wanted to do a little something. So, the theme became: Let's just step slightly outside our normal schedule. Nothing fancy. And we did just that!

I got Brandon a small gift, and he opened it yesterday morning. He's been talking for a little while about making a solar charger for his tablet, but he doesn't want to spend a lot of money on the project. So I got him some of those little lamps you put in your garden - the ones with the solar panels on top. They were really cheap; he's probably gonna need about 4 or 5 of them to complete the project. I grabbed two, so he could practice pulling them apart and figure out how to wire them in series.

 Geeking out.

Immediately, the toolbox came out and one of the cells was popped open and being broken apart.

After about an hour of fiddling with the solar panels, we decided to head out. Our plan for the day: Comic book shopping! If you're friends with me on Facebook, you'll know that I am UNREASONABLY excited for the X Men movie coming out this summer. I've been watching old X Men cartoons, and we've been renting movies that have James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender in them. So I decided I wanted to pick up some old X Men comics, too. 
We went a couple places. The first comic book shop was a bit pricey, so I only grabbed 2 or 3 comics. But they had a decent selection and some GREAT vintage Star Wars figurines. I remember the TV commercials for some of the toys they had on their shelves. And no, I'm not afraid of calling that "vintage." 
Besides, I think the selection of Star Wars figurines is really the standard by which you measure a comic book shop, so I was excited to see a lot of vintage toys in their original packaging. Sorry, I didn't get a photo.

Next, we headed to a flea market. They had two stalls that sold comic books. The prices were WAY more reasonable, and they had more X Men comics from the era I was interested in (Read: the 1990's, which of course was when I grew up and when the X Men cartoon aired). 

There were also some stalls with cell phone chargers, so Brandon grabbed one on the cheap for his solar panel project. 

Being a flea market, they also had the obligatory "vintage junk..."

... and "kooky stuff."

We then stopped for lunch. It was SUPER hot out, so I found myself craving a hot dog and some ice cream, which is really out of character - I NEVER crave hot dogs. So, Brandon googled "kosher hot dog" and we found a great little burger stand that has Hebrew National hot dogs, Blue Bell ice cream, and delicious burgers, fries and onion rings. It's called Fattboy Burgers. 

I might have to bring my brother there to do a burger review when he comes to visit. We ate WAY too much. We were about to head home, when we realized there was yet another comic book shop in the same strip mall! This place was extremely disorganized, but they had the best prices by far. I grabbed a handful of X Men comics, and then we headed home. 

They had a store cat! He was very sleepy.
In keeping with the "slight departure from our normal schedule" theme, I decided to bake another chocolate cake. I bake about once a week (I know, I need to cut back or we're all gonna gain weight), but I normally do something simple like cookies. So I think a cake, which is more technically complex, counts as a slight departure from the norm. I also wanted to practice piping (I've never done any fancy piping before), so I made a small batch of white buttercream icing and piped little... flower... blobs... on the side of the cake. It was fun practice, and it turned out pretty nice. 

Of course, when we got back home, Brandon went straight back to working on his solar panel project.

But really, I expect nothing less. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I love your blog. Science date photo is adorable. Love mom V
