Monday, August 30, 2010


I'm in horrible shape. I've always been in horrible shape. I'm not complaining, it's my own fault after all. My main priority in life has always been schoolwork. I've just been waiting for the right kick-in-the-butt to get into a workout regimen that I can maintain. It turns out that kick-in-the-butt is heat.

As I found out at a baseball game with Brandon's family before we left Michigan, people who are out of shape have a harder time dealing with heat stress. Brandon's very-fit parents and sister were fine, but I had to keep going back into the stands for water and shade. I was seriously concerned I might pass out - and mind you, all we were doing was sitting quietly, watching the game.

In Texas, below 90-degrees counts as a break from the heat. Also, the school I'm attending has a very nice rec center, which is free for students. Doubly-also, my new study partner is a workout MACHINE. She does an hour of cardio per day, plus an 8-minute-abs video on youtube, and extra classes at the rec center (whatever seems fun that week). So, she started dragging me along. And since she has to stay on the machine for an hour, and she's my ride back, I have no reason to stop at half-an-hour as I had planned.

Suddenly I've gone from couch potato to working out 4 times per week, which I never in a million years thought I would do. I'm hoping to continue the trend. 

So, along with grad school, cooking, blogging and trying new restaurants, I have yet another project: exercise. I'm hoping this is one I can keep up, like, lifelong.

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