Saturday, September 4, 2010

Feng Shui

Yesterday, my mom asked me how the weather was. I told her it was cooler because it had been raining. We checked, it was 93. I think we're acclimatizing.

We're still working on shopping for furniture, and we haven't hung any of our paintings yet, but the apartment is slowly coming together. Brandon keeps rearranging the living room. I think we finally found an arrangement we like:

That's his desk at the end, he built it himself. Until we buy desk chairs, he's sitting on the exercise ball.

We finally got my mod shelves and clock hung above the fireplace, but I haven't found an opportunity yet to put anything on them:
Super mod. 

Of course, my desk is the messiest part of the living room. Once we got it set up, I dragged all the boxes full of paperwork and folders over, but I haven't had a chance to unpack them yet, so everything is just in piles.
I love having the rat cage next to my workspace. They keep me company while I do homework.

I love that our kitchen overlooks the living room. There's a little L-shaped counter on the lefthand side of the photo. Sorry for the clutter, I was in the middle of eating. 
I got the vintage kettle from my friends mom just before we left. I LOVE it.

So, that's the apartment thus far. Hopefully it'll get cleaner as we go, but right now things are a bit hectic, so we don't have much time for unpacking. But that's a good thing too, right?

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