Saturday, September 4, 2010

Meet 'n Greet, nerd style

I just wanted to share a few photos from a little social gathering my class had last week. We got together and built models of DNA. There were snacks and refreshments, and people were encouraged - nay, obligated - to mingle. We were each given a nucleotide, and we had to find someone who had the complimentary base to pair with. Then we organized into groups and constructed the double helix. It was a lot of fun, and I got to meet some of my classmates. At the end, the professor unveiled the correct structure and pointed out some important aspects of the model.


 Ours didn't look half bad!

The prof gives an overview of the correct structure.

After some socializing, I came back to find out our phosphate backbone was denaturing (read: the model fell apart.)

Turns out grad school is kinda social too, in a nerdy sort of way. ^_^

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