Monday, August 16, 2010


My name is Amanda, and my boyfriend Brandon is in the other room, messing with his phone. You'll find he does that a lot.

Brandon and I recently moved from Kalamazoo, Michigan, to San Antonio, Texas. We're here because I am about to start graduate school.

This blog will likely serve a few purposes, it's part scrapbook, part journal, part restaurant review and also one method by which we will stay in touch with our families back in Michigan. We will likely write about a number of subjects:

-San Antonio life. We'll hit up some of the tourist spots around here, as well as check out some hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
-Cooking, gardening, and entertainment. We have a few hobbies, but food is probably the biggest.
-Culture shock. We used to live by the Canadian border. Now we live by the Mexican border. We've got a lot to learn.
-Grad school. This is a big step for me, so I may share about it from time to time.
-Work. By the same token, Brandon will likely want to share about his work life.
-Science and technology. Brandon and I read a lot of articles, and we often like to share our thoughts on whatever we've been reading lately. 

Thanks for swinging by and checking us out!

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