Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mau is Visiting!

Rasika is out of town visiting friends. While she's gone, we're taking care of her kitten Mau. I promised her I'd post photos so she wouldn't get lonely without him. So here are some adorable kitten photos to brighten your day!

A few weeks ago we did a test run to make sure Quorra and Mau wouldn't kill each other. Mau got the bedroom (and Rasika kept him company so he wouldn't be scared) and Quorra stayed in the living room with us. They played with each other under the bedroom door.

Rasika ate her lunch while she kept Mau company.

Mau is very curious about the people on the other side of the door!

Cutie pie. 

Quorra is not very happy that thre's another cat in the house.

And now for some adorable kitten playtime photos! 

I was taking a nap and I reached above my head, and there was a creature there napping with me!!

And this is especially to keep Rasika company while she's out of town ^_^

Happy Saturday everyone!

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