Saturday, August 25, 2012

Brandon is Building a Tablet

I don't know quite how else to put it: Brandon is building a tablet computer!

He turned to me one day and told me he wanted a tablet computer, but the options available are abysmal, and he wants something very, very specific that simply doesn't exist yet. You know, because he's Tony Stark. And as such, he decided to just build it himself. ^_^

First, he ordered a touch screen. When it arrived, it was like Christmas.

I took a video of him opening it, but I seem to have lost it. I know he looks super focused in these photos, but trust me, he's geeking out.

Brandon spent some time shopping for used laptops online, but he was having a hard time staying within his budget. Then, a few weeks ago, we helped my friend Christine move in with her boyfriend. While we were helping, he had an old laptop he needed to get rid of. It's not what Brandon wants for his final product, but it made a quick mock-up affordable. He was geeked to be able to throw together a Mark 1 of the design right away. (Special thank-you to Danny!)

Removing the screen from its chassis.  

A working mockup! 

Happy man ^_^

Relatively portable... albeit delicate. 

The original plans for the hinge - he wants to give it a dockable keyboard and charging station. 

There are still some software issues. He has to keep linking it up to his desktop computer and input devices like keyboard and mouse in order to work on the modifications to the touch-screen drivers. 

But he can handle it. Brandon likes a challenge. ^_^

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