Friday, July 20, 2012

Stacy and Eric Visited!

A LOT of stuff has happened since my last post. I didn't get photos of it all, but I will do a compilation "catching up" post soon. In the meantime, I want to talk about our friends coming to visit!!

Stacy and Eric are some of my closest friends from college. They got married while we were roommates, and now they have a baby on the way! I just *had* to get some girl time in with Stacy before her life was taken over by diapers and bottles. And experiencing Eric's exuberant craziness after a two-year break was certainly... refreshing. But also we wanted to show them a little of San Antonio before we move away next year! Here's the photo dump:

 Chillin' at the apartment.


We didn't realize we had the camera on blue filter, but for pool photos, it kinda works anyway. 

At the Cove. I think Eric is doing a dance? 


Riverwalk ice cream. 

Chillin on the riverwalk. 

Lulu's chicken-fried steak. Not sure why we're pouting... 

Lulu's massive cinnamon bun.

We also got in a lot of just relaxing around the house, catching up and chatting. It was a GREAT visit and I direly needed the chance to relax. In a day or so, I'll do a photo-dump entry to show you all the OTHER stuff we've been up to lately. ^_^

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