Friday, July 20, 2012

Catching Up

I have been absolutely BURIED with schoolwork recently. I had my thesis proposal (it was accepted!) and I was just too stressed to worry about anything else. But now that it's behind me, I'm ready to get back to doing fun stuff on the weekends, taking photos, and telling you all about it! In the meantime, here's what I found on my camera from the last month:

Brandon built a play structure for our cat Quorra. She started climbing on it before he even finished, and now she LOVES it. 

Rewarding good behavior. 

Finishing the top level. 

Teaching her that it's safe. 

You mean... its all for me??

In my state of stress, I splurged on a new outfit. It was a bit pricey by my standards, so I had to make sure it was versatile... 

I was very pleased with the results.

Brandon made some fancy chicken kiev. He chopped the butter into little sticks and stuck it in the freezer with herbs. Then, after pounding the chicken flat, he rolled it up with the butter in the middle, breaded it and fried it in the cast iron skillet. It was delish! I don't normally like chicken, but Brandon always manages to make something really creative with it. 

On the side, we had quinoa and some amazing spinach salad with toasted apples and shallots.

Brandon made some insanely loaded burgers with avocado spread and spring mix, amongst many other things. He felt like a mad genius by the end.....

Drunk with burger power.

My friend Aparna came over and we baked some pies. She loves sweets, but never learned to bake, so I said we could do some baking projects together. Turns out: she's a natural!

That's it for now! Sorry for the hiatus, I'll try and post more regularly now that things have calmed down in lab. Famous last words, right? ;-)


  1. I love your blog! Brandon's cat tower is fabulous! is your new outfit! Thanks for your post<3

  2. I shouldn't catch up on reading your posts late at night---it makes me hungry!
