Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Fun in Texas

I spent the final week before Christmas finishing up my labwork, cleaning my apartment, and packing. But there was also some holiday cheer, as well!

Rasika and I decorated the lab door for the annual door-decorating competition, and we won! The prize was a box of chocolate truffles. We shared them with the whole lab. Our door was called "Merry Mito-Christmas" because our lab studies mitochondria. We made a wreath out of green mitochondria, and put up ribbons made from the electron transport chain.

We had two days of Channukah in Texas before I left to spend Christmas in Toronto with my family. We almost forgot to do latkes! But one evening Brandon came home from work with some potatoes and applesauce. I was THRILLED. I went around telling everyone my boyfriend had bought me "a lovely bouquet of potatoes." No one got the joke but me, but that's okay, I still liked it. ^_^

So, we had Rasika over, and we lit the menorah and ate latkes. I explained how to play dreidel, but Rasika said if we played I would cheat by reading the letters wrong! She's a goof.

Showing off my mad Dreidel skillz.

It was really nice to have a proper Channukah before I took off for the chaos of Christmas/New Years madness. I'll do another holiday update after the New Year, when I'm back in Texas. Have a lovely holiday, everyone!

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