Sunday, December 11, 2011


This is, in large part, a food blog. And when I'm too busy to cook, I have nothing to post! But that doesn't mean I'm not eating awesome food. Here's a glimpse of my Thanksgiving weekend:

I flew home to be with my family.

My mom insisted that she get to taste my pie crust, so I helped with the apple pie.

Turkey, of course.

Lovely table settings

And never a shortage of dessert.

I took a lot more photos of family, but I don't think people want me posting pictures of their kids on the internet. Plus I know you guys are really here for the food, anyway. ^_^

My mom bakes about a billion different kinds of cookies for Christmas every year. It has become a tradition for Max and I to assist with the sugar cookies. We now use Thanksgiving weekend as our cookie marathon weekend:

It was a family visit whirlwind, and then I was off! Back to San Antonio...

Where a very special guy helped me prepare for the next big holiday:



  1. I like your folksy dreidel collection!

  2. The folksy ones are Brandon's, actually. My mom gave him the set for Channukah a couple years ago. They're the prettiest dreidels I've ever seen. I'm super jealous! ^_^
