Thursday, December 15, 2011

Baking, as Always!

My mom had her baking marathon, so I had mine!

I sent cookie tins filled with goodies to several of my friends this year. Here are the action shots:

I did a recipe called "Gary's Favorite Cookies." It's a family recipe, they're oatmeal/walnut/chocolate chip. My mom thinks I make them wrong, because hers spread out super thin, and mine are like tiny cookie clumps.

I also did blonde brownies, which turned particularly golden this time around.

And I made a banana loaf for my brother, who can't eat anything overly sweet. So I thought this would be a nice middle-ground.

I started doing my own baking projects at Christmas-time a couple of years ago. My mom has criticized my holiday baking. She feels that cookies for the holidays have to be fancy. She says, holiday cookies require an extra step, like rolling, cutting, icing... something special. She says that blonde brownies and Gary's Favorite Cookies are every-day recipes, and are therefore inappropriate for the holidays.

Do you guys agree? Is there a two-tiered system for cookies? Should we only cook "fancy" foods on the holidays? Or is my mother being adorably snooty? ^_^
Answer in the comments section!


  1. Disclaimer: These are super tasty and I am definitely not complaining about free mail-cookies! (Also your note made me super happy)

    However, I do think your mom might have a point, these are recipes that wouldn't ever feel out of place in the middle of the week in April. There's something really fun for me about having awesome recipes that you pull out just once a year to enjoy for a few weeks. It's an extra special tradition to look forward to. I support the two-tiered cookie system!

  2. The older I get, the less festive I get.(Sad, but true)That being said, any type of HOME-MADE food gift is special. Sometimes we make food for special occasions and then we wish we made it more often. PS maybe you and mom just have ovens that bake different- -oven temp can be tricky.
