Thursday, January 12, 2012

Apparently Christmas Happened!

Wow. Funny thing about January: it flies by. We got back from break and we have both just been swamped with work. I'm sorry for the super-delayed update. So, now that we're halfway through January... who wants to talk about Christmas dinner? Anyone? No one? Too bad, it's all I've got.

When I go home for holidays, I often take photos of friends and family, only to get back and remember that people don't like me posting photos of them on the internet. This year, I made sure to take some pictures of the food and decor, too, so I'd have something to blog about.

When my mom and I arrived in Kitchener/Waterloo, I saw what I feared might be the only snow I was going to experience all break long. So I asked my mom to take a picture of me outside.

As you can see, it's so warm out I didn't even need a jacket. So naturally, you can understand my concern that this would be my only snow of the season. Shortly after this photo was taken, we jumped in the car and drove to Toronto, where we did our Christmas Eve celebration with my extended family.

My mom asked me to help with the apple pies, which we brought with us. I can easily say this was the best pie crust I've ever made. I don't even know what I did differently, it was just serendipitous. I'll try to recreate it so I can take photos for you guys, but I can't make any promises!

My uncle's dog is named Angel, so my cousins decided she should have an appropriate costume for the party. 

I tried to get a picture of dinner before the crowd got to it, but i was a bit too late. My aunt's turkey gravy was phenomenal: it was dark, rich and heavily seasoned. I sent her an email to ask what the secret is, she said white wine and fresh thyme. I'm officially adding it to my list of things to try!

I tend to geek out about the fact that we have a mixed family (I think I'm the only one who does), and I was in charge of bringing napkins, so I decided to have some fun with it. 

It was a really hectic, fun party. One of my groups of cousins is a set of triplets, and they're 4 years old this year. Things are always busy, busy when they're around!

We actually had two more parties on Christmas weekend that I want to tell you about; the party on Christmas morning is an annual tradition with my extended-extended family and there are some inventive snacks and desserts there that I want to show you! So that'll be next time. Take care. 

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