Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cooking Compilation Post!

Alright. Considering the ridiculously long hiatus, I think it's no secret that I have been too busy/lazy/distracted for real blogging. That pattern has yet to break. So here is a super lazy post outlining some of the awesome things we've been cooking lately:

When Melissa was here, she made veggie burgers. They were DELICIOUS.

Then I made a quick pot of borscht.

I sauteed the onions and cabbage separately.

Cooked up the beets in the tomato sauce,

Pureed the beets and tomatoes, then added the cabbage and onions.

Then, Shepherd's pie.

I didn't get a finished shot of this one, sorry. We topped it with provolone and parmasean. 

One weekend I did a bake-a-thon because I was sending out care packages to some friends. I took some before shots of my ingredients and cookware, but totally forgot to get any after shots. 

Suffice to say, there was a massive pile of cookies. 

Then, fried tofu!

I marinated the tofu in soy sauce, brown sugar and sriracha, then we fried them up in olive oil with a little sesame oil infused.

I put the tofu over rice that was cooked in chicken broth, and threw together a salad with just balsamic vinegar and pepper for dressing.

And for lunch today, I had bruscetta.

It's okay to be jealous. ^_^

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