Tuesday, August 16, 2011


They say you shouldn't spend half your blog apologizing for not posting. So I generally try to avoid it. But the reality is, I haven't been posting very regularly for a while, and I know I won't be any time soon. Things are so crazy hectic right now, I'm preparing to present my thesis proposal to the Committee on Graduate Studies, I'm doing microscopy training, classes start in a couple weeks, I'm at a pivotal point in my research... And - this is going to sound silly - I'm working on writing a screenplay. Yeah, I know. I'm crazy. But it's really relaxing and is helping with the stress.

Anyway. I still have to catch up on Melissa's visit. We haven't taken very many photos since she left (because we're not doing anything of note), so I'm not actually too far behind. I guess as long as we aren't doing anything interesting, then there's nothing to blog about...

Anyway, the point was: sorry. We'll be back to regularly scheduled programming in... a few weeks. ish.

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