Monday, February 28, 2011

Homemade Pizza

A while ago, in the old apartment, we decided to have pizza night. It's surprisingly easy to make your own pizza, not to mention fun and super yummy!

That's Christine's happy face... I think.
I think they tasted so good because Rory went nuts with the herbs.
Healthy toppings!
Done baking.

After we moved into the new apartment, and got a few dishes unpacked, we decided we wanted another pizza night. I think we were getting sick of eating out (which we did constantly while we were in-between apartments), and wanted something simple.

 I'm not sure why Rory is matter-of-factly showing us the squiggle knife.

This time with mango!
We also decided to make a dessert pizza this time, which was supposed to include marshmallows, but we forgot. So it's mostly just Nutella and M&Ms. At the last minute, we added bacon, which turned out to be a great decision. I know chocolate and bacon is a really trendy combination right now, but I can't help it. It's delicious.
Delicious dessert pizza.

Now that we're cooking in the new kitchen a little more regularly, it's starting to feel like home.

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