Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Unhealthy Food is Occasionally Good for the Soul

It rained a lot this weekend. It was really refreshing.

We hung out on the couch with the kitty...

We popped out to lunch with friends, and in the rain I could only wear my boots. So obviously I had to put together an outfit to match ^_^

Rory came over and the boys played Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe while the rain fell.

Naturally, I needed to cook. But we were in the mood for something different. I decided to try two new recipes. First: fried pickles!

The recipe calls for bread-and-butter pickles, but Vlasic uses high fructose corn syrup in their recipe, so I opted for kosher dill stackers instead, which I then cut in thirds.

The pickles marinated in buttermilk with salt and pepper, then I breaded them with flour and panko, and fried them briefly in peanut oil. It only took a minute on each side.

We dipped them in ranch dressing. They were deeeeeelish.

Clearly, such an unhealthy snack calls for an appropriately unhealthy dessert. I tried a recipe I found on pinterest. It's a blonde brownie pie with pretzel crust and peanut butter cups instead of chocolate chips. Then I made whipped cream to go on top. Yyyyyep. We're health nuts.

Pretzel crust... Held together with butter. Yum. 


Then, a few days ago, I told Brandon we needed to put more effort into training Quorra. I asked him to pick a behavior and start training. Then, I came home and found this happening:

Shoulder-sitting. That's what he decided to teach her to do. Because that's productive.

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