Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ganesh Festival

This past weekend, we went over to Rasika and Niranjan's place for the Ganesh Festival celebration. It was loads of fun.

Rasika setting up the incense on the shrine.

The beautiful shrine. You'll notice the dumplings on the ground, Rasika said we have to show all the food to Ganesh first, before we can eat it.

The idol in the middle has to sit atop a book of knowledge. Rasika said she used one of her biology textbooks. I love it!! What a cool concept.
Niranjan teaching Brandon how to do the offering.

Brandon doing the offering

Everyone sang a prayer, then we all took turns doing the offering again.

Nikki giving a prayer.

Yummy dumplings with a sweet filling. Rasika says they make this because it's Ganesh's favorite dish. That guy has good taste ;-)

A delicious rice-type dish made with tapioca pearls and potatoes.

Everyone in front of the shrine.

After prayers, offerings and dinner we all just hung out and chatted. It was a really nice, relaxing evening. The ceremony reminded me a lot of Pesach, which was cool. It was really refreshing to hang out with a group of people and experience something new. And of course, now it's back to the grind in lab...

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