Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cooking post

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here is a brief photo-dump of some stuff we've been up to lately. I was going to call this entry "Random Hello," but Brandon points out there's enough cooking photos to call it a cooking post. And so it is.

I had some weekend lab work, so Brandon accompanied me and took some photos. This is my bench space. 

I sometimes pick up new cooking projects simply to try to make Brandon's head explode. Example: I learned to bake pies from scratch because Brandon loves pie. My latest project: hash browns. Here is attempt #1:

That is a full mouth and a happy face.

Brandon decided to learn to make potato salad (potatoes are kind of a theme this week. *someone* bought a 10lb bag instead of a 5lb bag. But I won't mention names).
It turned out AMAZING. I've never had such good potato salad.

Then he made some pork riblets and a lightly pickled cucumber salad. 

Sometimes Brandon blows me away with his phenomenal cooking talent. My friend Christine said we should open a restaurant together. I'm kind of considering it. 

We also got to use the ice crusher my stepmom got Brandon for Channukah. We made margaritas and had them with a pile of nachos and homemade guacamole. 

Because we've been on such a roll with food this week, I decided on a whim to bake an apple pie. It turned out great, and Brandon has been walking on air all day (seriously, he LOVES pie.)

I referenced my 1950's Good Housekeeping pie manual for design inspiration.

Did I mention we CLEANED OUR KITCHEN!? It's so calming to have a clean kitchen.

I was going to do a twisted lattucework, but the dough was too fragile (it's really hot out), so I opted for leaves instead. 

 Finished product.

Happy customer. 

That's it for now. I swear we do more than cook (homework, mostly), but it's our biggest hobby.  Plus maybe if we make you jealous enough, you'll come to visit for us! Then I can cook for you! You know, if I don't have too much lab work. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Food pics and happy faces. Clean kitchen is always impressive. Miss y'all (my attempt at Texan). We will definately consider a visit after my marathon adventure.

    Love, Kathleen 1354 miles away
