Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Care Package

At Christmas, we had to leave a bunch of our gifts behind because they wouldn't all go on the plane with us. My mom has been slowly shipping them to us in care packages. We got one such care package today, and Brandon was so excited to get his gift, he immediately started taking photos and typing up the following:

Amanda's mother sent a third care package, among the left-behind items in the box was the Ice-O-Mat!

It is a hand-cranked ice cube crusher I was given by Amanda's step-mother this last Chanukah.
To receive a gift at all caught me by surprise - but I was completely blown away to receive something so awesome.

It has a plastic stand that detaches/catches the crushed ice, or a bracket/pin assembly to mount the main portion to a counter or wall. And of course the best feature: no electrical cord or batteries required.

I did not know these even existed - The item is at least 40 years old.
Amanda's step-mother said she found it stocked by a seller of such things and had it shipped - and in the end my socks were knocked off.

I also love the ice crusher because it means we can have blended margaritas (which are a poolside favorite here in Texas), and it goes perfectly with my vintage kitchen theme.
Other contents of the care package include:
Silicone muffin cups.
I am a little too excited about the silicone muffin cups. I've been trying to find some forEVER and haven't found any. I'll show off their amazing bento-organizing powers at a later date.

Valentine's Day goodies.
My mom always sends my brother and I candies and other pink- or red-themed things at Valentines day. Also pictured are some vintage cookbooks from my grandmother. I'm starting to amass a collection. THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT. 

Reading material.
My mother is a page-tearer, a dog-earer, a post-it-note-er, a circler. She sends me pages from magazines with interior design ideas, recipes, interesting articles... You name it. OH! Also pictured is a semi-vintage Martha Stewart book on pies and tarts. I'm starting to amass a collection of pie manuals, as well. Mostly because Brandon goes crazy for pie.

School supplies!
Once again, I am way more excited than is really socially acceptable. I mean, look at all those tabs! There are TRANSPARNCIES in there! No one has transparencies anymore! I could use those to study with dry erase markers!!

From a previous care package.
The second care package my mom sent, before the fire, contained the two vintage teapots she got me for Channukah. They are not on display yet in the new apartment, but I'm looking for a place to put them. I'm simply IN LOVE. 

That's it for the care package! Thanks mom!

1 comment:

  1. Ohmygod, teapots! That yellow one is FANTASTIC!
