Monday, February 28, 2011

Homemade Pizza

A while ago, in the old apartment, we decided to have pizza night. It's surprisingly easy to make your own pizza, not to mention fun and super yummy!

That's Christine's happy face... I think.
I think they tasted so good because Rory went nuts with the herbs.
Healthy toppings!
Done baking.

After we moved into the new apartment, and got a few dishes unpacked, we decided we wanted another pizza night. I think we were getting sick of eating out (which we did constantly while we were in-between apartments), and wanted something simple.

 I'm not sure why Rory is matter-of-factly showing us the squiggle knife.

This time with mango!
We also decided to make a dessert pizza this time, which was supposed to include marshmallows, but we forgot. So it's mostly just Nutella and M&Ms. At the last minute, we added bacon, which turned out to be a great decision. I know chocolate and bacon is a really trendy combination right now, but I can't help it. It's delicious.
Delicious dessert pizza.

Now that we're cooking in the new kitchen a little more regularly, it's starting to feel like home.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lizard Buddy

A few weeks back, I saw a little lizard on the pavement, and thought it was so cute, I picked it up and brought it in for Brandon to look at.

Brandon thinks the lizards in Texas are hilarious.

Brandon wanted to release him into the wild personally, so we put him in a cup so he would be easy to carry. 
While he took photos, I kept saying "How's your little lizard buddy?"

Yeah, we're pretty dorky like that.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Valentine's Day/Apartment Fire

Probably not the most encouraging combination of words for the title, but I decided it would be easier to do a joint post. As you probably noticed, I did not keep my promise about regular posting. But I have a good reason! There was a fire in our apartment building. We are now in a new building, all of our belongings are fine (aside from smelling like smoke) and we're slowly moving in.

Our new apartment has the exact same layout as our old one, except there is no fireplace. Brandon is very excited about this, and is on his computer, re-arranging furniture in a virtual birds-eye view of our apartment as I'm typing this. Our belongings are all in boxes and garbage bags, we're slowly taking them out and de-odorizing them as we unpack. It's a lengthy process, but we're making progress.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming, albeit... two weeks late!
Brandon and I didn't do anything exciting on Valentine's day (it was the day after the fire), but in the weeks leading up, we made some adorable heart-shaped food!

I had some cookie dough and red frosting left over from the cookies I made for Chinese New Year for my labmates.

I tried cutting the crusts off these cucumber sandwiches, but it proved difficult, so I settled for a heart-shaped imprint.

That's all for now. Since we're a little more settled now, I'll try to get back to that regular posting schedule I was talking about a few weeks ago. Sorry for the delay!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quick Hello

Hi everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been busy with school. I uploaded all the latest photos from our camera into empty entries and saved them. I'll sit down and get some writing done whenever I have time, and update periodically, just to keep the entries steady. This way, I have more time to write, and you don't get bombarded with 8 billion entries all at once. But it also means that the blog will be a bit behind, in terms of "real time," since everything I'm updating about will be a few weeks old.

This morning I popped into lab for a quick minute just to glance at my cell cultures. Tomorrow I have some real work to do, but since it was a brief trip today, I brought Brandon with me. He took a couple photos when I wasn't looking.

I let Brandon look through the microscope a while, and I tried to find some dividing cells for him. It was pretty fun. The rest of my weekend is pretty typical: housework, homework and exercise.

I'll update again in a couple days. Lots of love!