Friday, February 3, 2012

Dessert Red Alert

I know I haven't been around much lately, and I apologize for that, but we've no time for small talk! I have a dessert emergency! Pay close attention!

If you're ever making dumplings, like these:

and you find yourself with leftover dough, then PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING:

Fill the dough with Nutella, fold it closed, and place it in a hot skillet with plenty of canola oil.

Fry until both sides are crispy.

And cover with confectioner's sugar!

If you do not have any dough, DO NOT FRET! Simply walk, do not run, to your nearest... um... container of flour, because the recipe for dumpling dough is simple:

3 parts flour to one part water.

Bam. Done. Easy-peasy.


1 comment:

  1. That IS easy. And, look who is enjoying his nutella treat!
