Saturday, September 10, 2011

So Much Good Food

We didn't really plan it, but this week we went a little crazy with cooking. As a result, our fridge is packed to capacity with amazing, amazing food.

First: fried green tomatoes! I've been wanting to make these since we moved down here, but HEB never carries green tomatoes, and there aren't any good farmer's markets in San Antonio. Eventually we found a great little hipster market that had all kinds of great produce and imported goods. It was pricey, but worth it for the occasional odd ingredient we can't get elsewhere. I grabbed a TON of green tomatoes, and we fried them all up.

I think I was trying to stay out of the picture, but Brandon thought it was too funny not to include.

The breading.

It was a funny faces kind of day.


Next, Brandon made hummus from scratch.

Prepping the garlic and lemon juice.

I'm not sure where the finished product photo went. Brandon must've taken it with his phone - I'll annoy him for that some time soon. In any case, the consistency was perfect. The flavor was great. The only problem; it was extremely salty. Much, much less salt next time. But otherwise, we've got a perfect hummus recipe now! 

We made fried tofu again and needed a starch to serve it with, so I made an amazing pasta salad with sesame oil and red wine vinegar. It turned out great:

Then, this week they had salmon on sale at HEB, so we grabbed some and served it up with asparagus and quinoa that Brandon's sister had bought and left in our cupboard (great pick, Melissa!) and some white wine. 

Then we shared our crumbs with Myelin. She has no idea how spoiled she is.

That's it for now! Lots of love. ^_^

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