Sunday, September 25, 2011

Business as Usual

We haven't done anything of note in the last couple weeks, and as such I don't have much on which to update you. Mostly, I've been diligently doing my statistics homework and attending seminars, and struggling through labwork as usual. As I understand it, one of Brandon's projects at work finally wrapped up, so he breathed a sigh of relief this weekend. Hopefully this means next week will be less stressful for him.

This week we marathoned our way through Game of Thrones, which I insisted on watching after Peter Dinklage got the Emmy for it. A worthwhile watch, if you can stomach it; but don't expect a satisfying ending. I'll be reading the books soon. It should be an exercise in frustration, if the show is any indication. But as long as I get to enjoy more of Tyrion Lannister's antics (and picture them in Peter Dinklage's voice, of course), I'm happy.

So, what have we been up to lately? Let's browse the latest photos on my camera and see if I can piece together a story for you.

Ah, yes. A few weeks ago Brandon and I caught a nasty cold. I made a gigantic pot of chicken stock for us to drink, and gave Brandon a blanket to throw over his shoulders when he sat at his computer, with hilarious results:

Hm. Not exactly what I had in mind.

We've been playing with Myelin more frequently. She requires more attention now that she's an Only Rat. She's actually adjusting quite well. She likes to nap in my lap while I work on homework and browse Facebook.

We used the chicken from the chicken stock to make a gigantic chicken pot pie. It lasted almost a week. Brandon was pretty impressed with this feat. When I looked back and realized that it was 100% from scratch, including the crust, the broth and the mashed potatoes, I felt pretty accomplished.

My mentor goes to China about once every couple months. He has another lab there that he has to oversee, so he's constantly traveling. Whenever he goes, he brings back treats for everyone in the lab. This time he brought back moon cakes, which are filled with red bean paste, probably my very favorite Asian dessert. They were very pretty so I took a picture:

I'm sorry if the letters are sideways or upside down. I honestly don't know the difference.

I put mine in the microwave for a few seconds and it was scrumptious. 
This week is Rosh Hashannah. Brandon and I will be attending the evening services at the local synagogue, but we can't make it in the morning to hear the shofar. It's just too much of a hassle: I have seminar, he has work. This won't be the first year I've missed the shofar. It's alright, we'll have apples and honey at home. That's enough for me.

Luckily, Yom Kippur is next Saturday, so I can go to whichever services I please, fast all day and do a full break-fast. I'll likely buy bagels and have my friends over for dinner. It's always nice to be surrounded by people you care about on the High Holy Days.

That's all for now! Lots of love.

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