Thursday, January 20, 2011

News From This Week

Hi it's Amanda. I just thought I'd pop in to let you know what's been up with us this week.

Firstly, my pet rat Glia had two surgeries: she was neutered, and she had a tumor removed. She's recovering nicely and she should be okay! It's likely that she has cancer, but now that she's spayed, it will progress much slower, so we've bought her a lot of time.

She has a little gauze tee shirt. It's sort of terribly adorable:

The surgery was only a few days ago, so right now she mostly just sleeps.

The second bit of news is that my other blog, the photo-a-day project, just ended yesterday! We completed one year of taking one photo each day. It was a really fun project, and it changed the way I use my camera: I learned that my day-to-day activities are memories worth recording.

If you haven't yet, check it out:

Lastly, tomorrow is my 24th birthday! What am I doing to celebrate? Pretty much nothing. I've had a busy week, I have a lot of homework and housework, and I have the edge of a cold. My birthday landed on a Friday and I don't even want to go out. I guess I'm an old fart now. -_-

However! I will be attempting to make my Mom's traditional birthday cake recipe for the first time! So I'll be sure to take photos and let you guys know how it goes. I even have some beautiful photos of a past birthday cake for reference.

I know it's only Thursday, but have a great weekend!

Lots of love,

P.S. I'll try to coax Brandon to update soon.

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