Sunday, April 3, 2011

Quick Hello

Hi guys!

Sorry the posts have been so sparse lately. My labwork has picked up significantly, and we've been busy cleaning the apartment. So, we're busy for good reasons!

Brandon has sort of put himself in charge of project: We Need More Furniture. He plans to build (yes, build) us a coffee table in the next month, and we're going thrift shopping for book shelves today. Last week I came home and found him fixing his computer desk on the porch:

My dad is coming to visit soon, and he wants us to cook for him, so we've been testing some fun new recipes. We tried stuffed peppers last week:

They turned out great, which means I now have three vegetarian recipes in my repertoire (the other two are gazpacho and fried green tomatoes). As it turns out, my dad doesn't like bell peppers (I forgot), so we'll just have to come up with something else! It's nice to have an excuse to cook new things.

Our can opener broke last week, so I had to dig out my vintage can opener, which means my kitchen just got a tiny bit more vintage. If you didn't notice by now, I love vintage kitchen gear. Some day I'd love to have an avocado-green refrigerator. Yeah, I know. It's weird. But I can't help it, I just think they're super cool.

As you can see, it took me a couple tries to get it right. But I got the hang of it eventually. Of course, the first thing I did was cut my hand on the lid, because I'm graceful like that.

Alright. I'll try to keep the entries coming, but I'm sorry in advance if things don't pick up. My lab schedule is going to be weird for the next while: I'm doing a procedure right now that involves coming in first thing in the morning, and then again late in the evening. So I generally catch a nap in the middle of the day to compensate. Yeah, grad school is weird.

Stay in touch everyone! Love you!

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