Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hiking at Enchanted Rock

We're alive! We finally got off our lazy butts and got a Flickr account. Lets see if I can figure out how to work it.

A couple months ago we went hiking at Enchanted Rock. They had recently gotten some rain fall, so there was a lovely little waterfall that we adventurously decided to climb through. By the end of the day, when we were coming back down the hill, the waterfall had dried up. We definitely hit it just at the right time.






It was... Windy.

Brandon loved the top of Enchanted Rock because it looked like being on some sort of alien moon. I agree with him, it was definitely a different kind of hike.
Brandon was adamant that we find the National Geologic Survey Marker. It was REALLY hard to find, since it was so tiny. But we found it!
Did I mention it was rainy and wet?

On the moon. Or over the moon, depending on your perspective.
There's a cave on the back side of Enchanted Rock. We climbed down to it, Brandon did some exploring, and we took a break for lunch.
Steep and slippery.


Cooking dinner back at the campsite.


A quick late-night hike to a scenic overlook.

Breakfast burritos back at the main camp ground.
We went for one last hike to a small frog pond tucked away in a corner of the park.
Aside from the cacti, it was oddly reminiscent of Michigan. There were a lot of species of plant in common, and we could hear crickets - not terribly common in Texas.

Every few minutes we'd hear a frog go "plop" into the water. We were always too slow to see them.

Well now that we have a Flickr account set up, it should be easier to get back to blogging. But it's a double-edged sword. I'm entering my final semester of grad school and things are going to be crazy. So don't expect a terribly consistent schedule. I'll try and check in once in a while.

Bye for now!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Time Certainly Does Fly

Hey guys. I'm fully aware of the unannounced months-long hiatus. I'm really sorry about that. I just wanted to drop in to explain.

A couple of things happened. Firstly, our blogger account says it's full and we can't upload any more photos. That's a simple fix: I just need to create a Flickr or photobucket account and continue with business as usual. I just haven't gotten around to doing it.

Which brings me to the second thing. I've turned a corner with my thesis work. In short, it's crunch time (and it's only going to get worse). And I just don't have the energy for blogging right now. We also haven't been picking up the camera as much, or trying as many ambitious cooking projects. Again: crunch time. We've been eating a lot of TV dinners, frozen pasta and take-out.

Lastly, my computer situation is kind of up in the air. I replaced my work and home computers both at the same time, and moving all my life's most important files over (everything from our precious family and food photos to the all-important lab data) is nerve-racking and time consuming. I'm also using a tablet for my day-to-day web browsing now rather than a laptop, which is far less than ideal for blogging.

In any case, this is the situation: I will obviously be blogging less often. But I will make an attempt to pop in from time to time and keep you updated on all our various adventures (even if they are a little less exciting these days). But I'm not going away. After I graduate, Brandon and I are  moving to Seattle, and there are going to be a great many new adventures there. The move will take place some time around August, possibly later, but no later than December. Once in Seattle, I hope to start blogging with a vengeance again. After all, we'll have a whole new city's worth of restaurants to try!

I appreciate your patience. Wish me luck on my thesis, and I promise we'll resurface after I finish grad school. Believe me when I say; I'm really looking forward to it.