Monday, April 30, 2012

Getting Caught Up

Well, it certainly has been a while. Our camera was broken, or rather, my computer was broken, so we couldn't upload the photos from the camera. In either case, I simply cannot blog without photos. And so, a hiatus happened.

But much has happened since the last time we spoke! Are you ready for a photo-dump? Because it's going to be epic. Here we go.

Firstly, we got a pet cat!!

Her name is Qorra. She's 7 months old, she used to be a stray, and she is VERY playful.

She's also extremely intelligent, which is good, but also difficult. We have to keep her occupied and challenged all the time, otherwise she starts to get bored and antsy. But it's also fun to watch her figure out the many puzzles we give her to play with.

We went rock climbing with Rasika in Austin!

I also got an Xbox360!

And then, of course, there's the food. Last month's cover story in Bon Appetit magazine was about fried chicken. We followed the instructions to the letter, and it was probably the best fried chicken I've ever eaten.

I made Brandon a Valentine's themed bento.

My dad gave Brandon and I bottle of champagne as a gift, so we got some brie to go with it and had a fancy snack for dinner.

We got some ahi tuna and made shish kebobs!

I learned how to poach an egg!

Veggie burgers from scratch!

Miniature frittatas for breakfast!

Snacks for our Game of Thrones parties with friends!

And that's it for food! Here, have one more picture of Qorra, for good measure. She's relaxing in Brandon's lap. ^_^

Now that we've solved the problem with the camera, I should be able to blog more regularly from now on. Now I just gotta remember to take pictures...

Lots of love!